Microbiology Colloquium: Philippe Bouloc

03.12.2019 16:00 Würzburg, Germany

We cordially invite you to Philippe Bouloc's talk "Competition experiments reveal S. aureus regulatory RNAs that cope with antibiotic and iron stresses". The talk will take place in Building D15, room 01.002-004 at 5pm.

Prof Philippe Bouloc - "Competition experiments reveal S. aureus regulatory RNAs that cope with antibiotic and iron stresses"

Prof Philippe Bouloc is Senior Researcher and group leader at the Institute of Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC) in Gif-sur-Yvette (France).

He is interested in signaling and regulatory networks in bacteria.

For more information on Philippe Bouloc's work please visit: https://www.i2bc.paris-saclay.fr/spip.php?article174&lang=en


Würzburg, Germany

Datum und Uhrzeit: 03.12.2019 16:00 – 03.12.2019 17:00


Würzburg, Germany

Josef-Schneider-Straße, University Hospital Campus, Building D15, room 01.002-004