RNA Seminar Double Bill with Gisela Storz (NIH Bethesda) & Anna Pyle (Yale University)

15.10.2019 15:00 Würzburg, Germany

We are pleased to announce the opening event of our winter term series. We will have the honor of hosting two leading female scientists in the field of RNA research. We cordially invite you to attend the lectures and the following reception. The talks will take place in the lecture theater of building D15 at 5pm.

For more information on Gisela Storz's work please visit https://www.nichd.nih.gov/about/org/dir/affinity-groups/CSB/storz

More information on Anna Marie Pyle's research is available at https://pylelab.org/people/anna-marie-pyle


Würzburg, Germany

Datum und Uhrzeit: 15.10.2019 15:00 – 15.10.2019 16:00


Würzburg, Germany

Josef-Schneider-Straße, University Hospital Campus, Building D15, lecture theater