Tuesday Night Seminar: Georg Seelig

18.07.2023 15:00 Würzburg, Germany

We cordially invite you to Georg Seelig's talk “Microbial single-cell RNA sequencing by split-pool barcoding”. The talk will take place in Building D15, room 01.002-004.

Prof Georg Seelig - “Microbial single-cell RNA sequencing by split-pool barcoding”

Georg Seelig’s research group is interested in understanding how biological organisms process information using complex biochemical networks and how such networks can be engineered to program cellular behavior. The focus of the research is the identification of systematic design rules for the de novo construction of biological control circuits with DNA and RNA components. The research group’s approach integrates the design of molecular circuitry in the test tube and in the cell with the investigation of existing biological pathways. Engineered circuits are being applied to problems in disease diagnostics and therapy.

Further information 


Würzburg, Germany

Date and Time: 18.07.2023 15:00 – 18.07.2023 16:00


Würzburg, Germany

Josef-Schneider-Straße 2, Medical Campus, Building D15, Room 01.002-004