Tuesday Night Seminar: Jens Puschhof

06.06.2023 15:00 Würzburg, Germany

We cordially invite you to Jens Puschhof's talk “Modelling Cancer-Microbiome Interactions with Organoids and Organs-on-Chips”. The talk will take place in Building D15, room 01.002-004.

Dr Jens Puschhof - “Modelling Cancer-Microbiome Interactions with Organoids and Organs-on-Chips”

By employing human organoid and organ-on-a-chip models, Jens Puschhof's lab (Epithelium Microenvironment Interaction laboratory – EMIL) investigates the impact of the complex bacteria-immune cells interaction on cancer development. The recently established long-term human organoid-bacteria co-culture system (Nature Protocols, 2021) allows the study of a microbe-cancer-link in a more complex microenvironment.

Further information


Würzburg, Germany

Date and Time: 06.06.2023 15:00 – 06.06.2023 16:00


Würzburg, Germany

Josef-Schneider-Straße 2, Medical Campus, Building D15, Room 01.002-004