75th Mosbacher Kolloquium
The Microbiome – from Understanding to Modulation
The 75th Mosbacher Kolloquium will be held in Mosbach (Baden), Germany, on March 21-23, 2024. Organized by HIRI director Jörg Vogel, Ruth Ley (MPI Tübingen), and Nassos Typas (EMBL Heidelberg), the conference will highlight the latest techniques for characterizing and manipulating complex microbiomes.
An interdisciplinary panel of leading scientists from around the world will provide an overview of state-of-the-art research and chart future developments at the interface of basic science and clinical application.
Mosbach (Baden), Germany
Mosbach (Baden), Germany
Alte Mälzerei, Alte Bergsteige 7, 74821 Mosbach